
Welcome to Cooloolabusiness.com, the online membership directory for businesses in Gympie, Queensland. The Gympie Cooloola Business directory commenced operations in June 2001 and has successfully assisted many local Gympie businesses gain a cost-effective presence on the web over the last 22 years. We continue to offer superior assistance and service to our clients today.

NOTE: We are not accepting new development clients at this time.


Ancient Journeys - Ancient Journeys is 100% Aboriginal owned and retails ethically sourced Artefacts, Boomerangs etc.

Ancient Journeys is 100% Aboriginal owned and retails ethically sourced Artefacts, Boomerangs, Edition prints, Fabrics and fashion, Homewares, Jewellery, Merchandise, Original works on paper, Paintings on bark, Paintings on canvas or linen, Publications, Sculpture, Textiles, Weaving, Yidaki (Didjeridu) or Didgeridoo from Indigenous art centres and individuals.

Some recent websites developed in-house at Gympie Websites and hosted by Gympie Hosting

These new sites feature the following as part of our standard development platform:

  • Mobile Optimised – user friendly responsive design
  • HTTPS – sites run on SSL secure to meet the latest Google indexing requirements and avoid warning message about site security
  • Latest security plugins including Wordfence and iThemes Security Pro
  • A range of premium plugins including Ithemes Backupbuddy and Gravity forms
  • added to our WordPress management system to ensure wordpress and plugins are kept up to date.



Cooloolabusiness.com provides hosting and website development services specialising in custom WordPress CMS development.  Our clients become members of the Gympie Business Directory.

Latest Member News

Gympie Sawmill – We have redeveloped the Gympie Sawmill website using WordPress and a custom responsive theme to provide Ross with an easy CMS management system to promote his Gympie flooring and decking timber products.

Gold City Solar & Scott Ellison Electrical. We are developing a new site for Scott and Mel Ellison to promote their Solar Installation and electrical contracting business – Gympie Solar.

PinkTronix Gympie TV Antennas – We have developed a new website for PinkTronix, a local business specialising in terrestrial and satellite television installation and antenna services in the Gympie region. Pinktronix have trained electronics technicians who specialise in low signal resolution and  caravan antenna installation.

Site Services & Updates

Each Member now has an individual page that is used to provide information, a Google location map and links for their business and website.

Members are encouraged to review their listing and to send us a description of their business, products and services to enable us to better promote your business. Members are reminded that this directory listing is free – provided as a bonus for our hosting clients.  This is a $300 value as charged by other local directories and we are happy to add content and photos to your individual listing page (you are busy enough running a business – why would you want to waste your time trying to work out how to add photos to a website listing page when we do it for you for free).

We believe our new cooloolabusiness.com Gympie Directory is the best local directory service for Gympie Businesses and we know it offers the best value for our clients.  The site is a custom built  in-house WordPress site.  Our members listing pages are easy to find through an easy to use menu system offering both alphabetical and category listing access as well as a database search engine that will find what you are looking for.

Contact Us

Contact us  to enquire about joining the Gympie Cooloola Business Directory.