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Gympie & Cooloola Road & Street Map by Google Maps

Google Maps are a division of Google and are available for display of publicly accessible websites. The Google maps technology enables the visitor to "move" around the map area.

To use the Google map, there are several features and navigation controls as follows:

  1. Move around map - place your mouse in the map, hold down the left button and drag the map until your desired location is centre of the map.
  2. Zoom In (bring the map closer to show greater detail) - click on the + sign at the top of the magnification control to the left of the map.
  3. Zoom Out (move out from the map to reduce detail and show a greater area) - click on the + sign at the top of the magnification control to the left of the map.
  4. Move a set distance - click the navigation arrows at the top left of the map. This will move the map in the direction of the arrow by a distance equal to the scale shown at the bottom of the map (the current map scale is 10 miles - click a directional arrow will move the map 10 miles in the direction of the arrow.
  5. Re-centre - click the button in the middle of the 4 directional arrows to the left to re-centre the map to it's original location and scale
  6. Move to a certain point on the map - place the mouse over the point and double click.
  7. Satellite/Hybrid View - the satellite and hybrid buttons also provide amazing views of Gympie and the Cooloola region using Google Earth imagery.


For a limited time, we are offering to install a Google map on your own website at FREE OF CHARGE. (Websites must be part of the network).

Contact Allan by email to for more information.

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