
Gympie News – Save Inskip Point

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Save Inskip PointAs most people in the Gympie region would know, there is a campaign to Save Inskip Point from further development by Rainbow Shores.

The developer, Rainbow Shores Pty Ltd proposal is to develop a 200 hectare strip on Inskip Peninsula for residential purposes:

  • in a low-lying World Heritage quality coastal dunes
  • destroying intact old-growth woodland habitat
  • permanently privatising a rare piece of natural coastline in SE Qld. that should remain a valuable recreation resource for ALL
  • create needless public liability exposure to property damage from climate change and cyclone erosion

The Development application was rejected and more than 700 objections were submitted against the development.  We are advised that the majority of local residents also objected against Rainbow Shores Stage 2.  The State Government has also rejected the development application with planning refusal issued July 2009.  However, Rainbow Shores Pty. Ltd has appealed this decision.

Local Community members and environmental groups have joined forces to be represented in the court appeal and to assist the Queensland Government in defending the development refusal.

I believe that the appeal should be rejected and the orginal refusal upheld in order to protect this pristine piece of Queensland coastline.  (Remember that the developer does not have freehold ownership of the land designated in stage 2 and that their Rainbow Shores Stage 1 development is only half completed even though it was approved around 20 years ago.  This land is on development leases that were apparently granted by the QLD Government in exchange for worthless mining leases that were surrendered.  A history of the dealings in lease matters can be found at  This document raises some interesting questions including why a Queensland Government public servant apparently signed the development application on behalf of the Queensland Government as land owner to authorise the application being lodged.  The document also indicates that the lease expires on 1/11/2014 and that no compensation is available beyond that date.  Will we see a compensation claim from the developer if the court rejects the current appeal against the refusal of the development application?

The Save Inskip website at has been established to provide details of the campaign to save Inskip Point from this development proposal.  The website now contains reports prepared by expert consultants on planning issues, development need, flora and fauna for submission to the Court appeal.  The website also has a link for visitors to donate to assist in the cost of obtaining these expert reports to save Inskip Point.  A donation will assist in preserving and protecting this unique area for future generations.


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