Gympie Website Development

Mobile Websites

December 31, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

New Mobile Website for Gympie Websites

Gympie Websites - Mobile WebsiteWe have just completed a new mobile website for our Wordpress development site.  We have developed the new mobile site in PHP i.e. it consists of several very small single PHP files for the site pages  to ensure that the pages load super fast on all mobile devices including IPhone, Blackberry and Android devices.  We chose to develop the mobile site in PHP instead of just using a mobile website conversion plugin in WordPress (we could use the premium plugin PluginBuddy Mobile which provides great results but we opted to do it the hard way and code the mobile site as stand-alone pages in PHP to avoid the overhead of loading WordPress and database calls for mobile visitors). 

The new mobile site is at – smartphone visitors to the standard website are automatically redirected to the mobile site.  Note: the mobile site is “fluid” and if viewed in a normal browser, will fill the screen width.  To see what the mobile site looks like, visit a mobile simulator site like and type the mobile website address into the website field.  

QR Code link for Gympie Website Mobile site.Mobile websites are the new trend in online business.  We are of the view that the need for a mobile website will increase exponentially as the smartphone craze takes off.  Our PHP mobile sites are scripted as separate websites and we prefer to install them in sub-domains so that Google can recognise them as a separate website and index them accordingly. 

We don’t see Smartphone users using their devices for simple browsing the Internet looking at websites like we do on our home PC’s but rather, Smartphone users will be looking for something specific and want an instant result.  For example, we see a home handyman looking for a plumbing fitting supplier, a diner looking for a restaurant etc.  These visitors want to know some specific pieces of information and their need is instant:

  • What your business is and sevices provided
  • Your contact details – we provide a “click to call” button to just click a button to instantly phone you
  • Your location – we have scripted in a Google map
  • Contact by email – we provide a simple contact form
  • And we can provide a menu for your restaurant mobile site

Bottom line – we see a mobile website as an important addon for local businesses that provide products and services that Smartphone users would be looking for.  We can easily add a mobile website onto your existing website without affecting the operation of the existing site.


We will be offering a limited New Year Special for mobile websites.  The special price for our existing clients is only $330 GST inc. 

 (Note: add $100 for restaurant menus)

Email your details to Allan at if you are interested in a mobile website.

Normal pricing for clients after the end of January 2014 will be $440 GST inc.  Mobile sites are also available to non-clients at $660 GST inc

We also have a special package offer for integration of your new Mobile website into a Facebook Business page

Gympie Website Development

Spectrom Multimedia

March 4, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Spectrom Multimedia Website Development Services Spectrom Multimedia
10 Australia Drive, Gympie 4570
Ph: (07) 5482 3478 Fax: (07) 5483 7603
Spectrom Multimedia is based in Gympie providing website design and development  service for the Gympie Business Directory.


10 Australia Dr
Southside QLD 4570, Australia